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Donirajte Weblateu

Weblate does not require payment, and welcomes donations. There are many ways to contribute. Discuss it with your associates.

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Recurring donations and rewards

Recurring donations facilitate sustainable Weblate development, and even the smallest amount is put to good use. Repeated appreciation helps in keeping the project sustainable long term. Please consider this option if you are hosting Weblate yourself without a support contract.

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Weblate heroism

Commercial services like hosting or support for self-hosted installations help fund Weblate development.

Purchase premium cloud Get help from Weblate

Single appreciative donation

One-time donations are a great way to bring attention to a single issue before or after it is fixed.


Weblate swag

Buying branded clothing and merch is a great way to support Weblate and show your pride!

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Your favorite donation platforms

Join Weblate fans on platforms you trust. We look forward to seeing you there.

Cryptocurrency donations

Thanks to Trezor, donations are happily accepted in several cryptocurrencies using the addresses below.

Donation address

Weblate is thankful for your help

A proud showcase of our supporters, some of which offered technological contributions, others provided monetary funds. We welcome any form of help. If you have an idea, please let us know.




Gratis or Premium—it’s up to you

Premium Cloud

for ease and comfort

  • 10k
  • 40k
  • 160k
  • 640k
  • 2.5M
  • 10M
Hosted strings 10.000
Jeziki Neomejeno
Projekti Neomejeno
Komponente Neomejeno
45 €mesečno
Save 20%450 €yearly
Hosted strings 40.000
Jeziki Neomejeno
Projekti Neomejeno
Komponente Neomejeno
66 €mesečno
Save 20%660 €yearly
Hosted strings 160.000
Jeziki Neomejeno
Projekti Neomejeno
Komponente Neomejeno
106 €mesečno
Save 20%1.060 €yearly
Hosted strings 640.000
Jeziki Neomejeno
Projekti Neomejeno
Komponente Neomejeno
178 €mesečno
Save 20%1.780 €yearly
Hosted strings 2.560.000
Jeziki Neomejeno
Projekti Neomejeno
Komponente Neomejeno
313 €mesečno
Save 20%3.130 €yearly
Hosted strings 10.240.000
Jeziki Neomejeno
Projekti Neomejeno
Komponente Neomejeno
562 €mesečno
Save 20%5.620 €yearly


for complete control

Hosted strings Neomejeno
Jeziki Neomejeno
Projekti Neomejeno
Komponente Neomejeno
with paid support

Gratis Weblate

for libre projects

Hosted strings 160.000
Jeziki Neomejeno
Projekti 1
Komponente Neomejeno
upon request
Compare all plans
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Dive in, or leverage extensive skills and experience from our team of professionals, giving focused advice attentive to your exact needs.

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